Blog Roll Archive Author Jan Fishler's Blogs.
Just click on the blog title of your interest to read the full post.
Archive for November, 2010
Original post can be found at: HEALING ADOPTION TRAUMA – A Guest Post By Maureen Shepard CCH Adults may see adoption as a blessing, but for the children it is often a deep wound. When we see young children in our practices that have been adopted, those who are acting out, or are unusually [...]
Each year November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month, a month when adoption professionals, parents, and prospective parents can finalize adoptions, raise awareness, and educate each other. National Adoption Month (Also known as National Adoption Awareness Month) began in the as the first major effort to promote awareness of the need for adoptive families [...]
My focus this month is obtaining opportunities to speak about adoption. The follow release was sent to radio stations in California and Ohio. So far I have two interviews on Sacramento stations, and on National Adoption Awareness Day (Nov. 20), I’ll be speaking in Sacramento on the steps of the Capitol — a collaboration with [...]
Archive for October, 2010
Many years ago I read a book that defined fear as an acronym for False Expectations Appearing Real. That definition didn’t make my fears instantly go away, but it did give me a new perspective on people and situations that previously controlled my life. Over the years, my fears have fluctuated. As a child, I [...]
For several years I had a fairly consistent meditation practice, but lately, instead of spending the first fifteen minutes of my day following my breath, I’ve been rushing into the kitchen to make a strong cup of black tea and heading to the computer to “work” on marketing. This morning I realized that I’ve got [...]
Archive for September, 2010
It happened. Yesterday, I received my first letter from a fan (M.A.). Heartfelt, honest and sincere, the letter came from a woman who lives in Canada who was told that her birth mother was her sister and that her grandmother was her mother. When she accidentally learned the truth, she discovered that her cousins and [...]
One morning last week I was at the gym taking an aerobic dance class when Gloria, the woman standing behind me, tapped me on the shoulder to tell me that her very close friend was meeting her son, who was now in his forties, for the first time. Gloria’s friend was “freaking out,” to use [...]
Click here to read The Union Article.
The print is too small to read, but this is the flyer I’ve been passing around town to let people know about my upcoming book signing — a collaboration with Sierra Forever Families to be held at a local bookstore/coffee house. If you’re in the area and have been touched by adoption, or just want [...]
I’ve been spending time on twitter and the internet looking for adoption sites and blogs that match the target audience for my book and I came across, See Theo Run (Adventures in Open Adoption). I loved the message and the writing and ended up sending the writer a copy of my book. This morning, I [...]
As advised, my book is now available on Amazon–the best known bookstore on the internet–and so far eight reviews have been posted. This is all a good thing. In fact, the day after I posted the book, I got an order from someone who must have found it through a key word search. Amazon’s Search [...]
I woke up this morning at 4:00 a.m. and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Why? I was thinking about working and how blogging should be a big part of my job. Why? Because a blog can be an integral part of book marketing success. Why? Because search engines spider blogs more often than other websites. [...]
Archive for August, 2010
I hit the wall a couple of weeks ago when I realized that my to do list was overwhelming me. I’d read so many books on how to market your book that I was swimming in confusion. So I stopped doing anything for a week and asked “the universe” to assist me. Of course, I [...] Here it is the fourth week in August and my plans to increase my blogging seem to have fallen by the wayside. I have a good reason for this–I’ve been learning about social networking and revising my marketing plan. I’m finally understanding the value of Twitter and am using it to make connections and build [...]
A couple of weeks ago, I gave the speech, “Keys to Success in Self Publishing” at an evening event for the Business & Professional Women of Nevada County. This morning, a picture of me (along with two members of the organization) taken at the event was in The Union, our local newspaper. A few [...]
Archive for July, 2010
Lori Holden at Open Adoption Examiner has posted a review (written by L.G. Mansfield) of Searching for Jane, Finding Myself. You can read it on her Open Adoption blog. Finding adoption sites that can help me spread the word about Searching for Jane, Finding Myself is my top priority. My friend and walking buddy, Lesley, [...]Last night I spoke about self publishing to about thirty members of the Business and Professional Women of Nevada County, a very receptive group of smart, political women who seemed genuinely interested in my story. And I even sold some books! No surprise that several members told me they had either been adopted, had adopted [...] The Sierra Forever Families donor luncheon was great. My talk went well and I was really impressed by the level of caring shared by adoptive parents, board members and staff. I’m so glad I’m partnering with this group. And, I even sold a few books! Tomorrow night I’m speaking a dinner meeting of the Business [...] I mentioned awhile back that I would be working with Sierra Forever Families to get the word out about my book and their organization. As part of this joint venture, I’m going to be speaking at their upcoming Donor Luncheon this Friday. Twenty minutes has been allotted for me to tell my story. I thought [...] The book signing party in Toledo was a huge success. Not only did I sell books but I had an opportunity to reconnect with friends I hadn’t seen in YEARS. Unfortunately, I didn’t take enough pictures, but here’s a representative sampling… Members of my family also came… What a great way to launch into publishing!
Archive for June, 2010–60-YEARS.html I’ve been busy getting ready for the trip to Toledo. In the meantime, this article was sent to me by a friend. It’s a sweet story.
So far I’ve shipped about 65 books and I’m starting to get some feedback…Here are just a few of the comments I’ve received so far about Searching For Jane, Finding Myself: Just finished your book! Oh my, what a story. Your inner journey was (and is) just amazing. I could not put it down. V.H. [...]
One thing I’ve realized about marketing–posting is critical. As long as I’m in town, I’m going to find something to post about more often. So far this week has been an exciting one. Tuesday, I sold the first copy of the book to someone I don’t know. It was a librarian in Connecticut. The book [...]
June 27th is the date for the book signing party in Toledo, Ohio. If you’re going to be in the area and want to attend, send me an e-mail and I’ll fill you in on the particulars. A reporter from the Toledo Blade will be there so I’m hoping there will be a nice [...]
Archive for May, 2010
I received the second batch of books a couple of days ago and will put all the pre-orders in the mail as soon as the post office opens today. Thank you everyone for your patience. Now that I have books, I’m definitely back in marketing mode–although I must say the car accident last month didn’t [...]
I received a phone call telling me that the second batch of books will ship this Friday. That they are going to check the bindings carefully before sending them off. I shouldn’t have to, but I’m keeping my finger’s crossed. I’m not going to get revved up and excited again until I have them in [...]
The printing company (who will not be named until all of this is settled) received the ten books I shipped and has agreed to reprint my books, but not until they receive the eight cartons they originally sent. They are being picked up this afternoon and then driven to the factory in Illinois. I have [...]
Some good news! I’m going to be partnering with Sierra Forever Families to get the word out about my book. Sierra Forever Families “are the Northern California specialists in providing permanency for children and youth in foster care including adoption, reunification, guardianship and lifetime commitment.” Yesterday, I had a brief meeting with their publicist and [...]
This morning I sat down to inscribe books so I could finally get them in the mail. Imagine my surprise when pages fell out of the first book I picked up. Assuming it was a fluke, I picked up the next book and the same thing happened. This is not good, I thought to myself, [...]
After checking out prices for bubble mailers at Walkers and Staples, I found the cost to be prohibitive so I looked online and found Royal Mailers in Emeryville. Their price per mailer is 1/4 that of the retail merchants. I placed the order Sunday night and the mailers will arrive this afternoon. If I can [...]
Yesterday was full of surprises. I got rear-ended and the books arrived–two weeks earlier than expected. I was on my way to the gym yesterday morning heading down Zion Street. A man and his son were waiting at the cross-walk (the crossing guard wasn’t there yet), so I stopped to let them cross the street. [...]
Archive for April, 2010
I just got an e-mail telling me that the books have shipped. Not sure when they will arrive, but they are en route. Last night I made my first formal “pitch” for the book during my “Ice Breaker” speech at Toastmasters. I had to give enough information to create interest, but not reveal so much [...]
I talked to the printer today and I will definitely have books by mid-May. This means I need to plan a book release party. I have a couple of ideas. One is to partner with a local non-profit adoption agency that helps place older kids. I would read from the book and afterward there could [...]
Here’s the release I’ll send to our local paper: (Thanks for your help, Elle) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April, 2010 Contact: Jan Fishler 530.277.9173 Local Writer Offers Firsthand Look at Adoption Nevada City, CA—Writer Jan Fishler knows what it’s like to live in a world permeated by loss, shaped by deception, and cloaked in shame. [...]
Today, I’m working on writing a press release, a short newsy piece that make the reader curious enough to write a review or buy the book. Although I’ve done this before for some of my clients, it’s different to be writing about my own book. Mostly, I’ve had to tell my memoir-writing self to step [...]
Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered books. I spoke to the printer today and it is possible that I’ll have books in my possession around Mother’s day. That means, you’ll have them shortly afterward. Of course, there’s more to sales than setting up a shopping cart. On my to-do list today was getting a [...]
I’m waiting for the final PDF of my book and then, it goes to the printers. It takes three weeks for the book to print and one week to ship and then I’ll have books in my hand. Over the weekend my sister, Bridget, who you can read about in Searching for Jane, Finding Myself, [...]
Getting ready to get the word out about Searching for Jane, Finding Myself is both exciting and exhilarating. Last night I had dreams about marketing the book. At the top of the list was getting this Web/blog started so that I can get the buzz going. Promotion is a full time job. Ironically, I’ve developed marketing [...]
Archive for November, 2010
Original post can be found at: HEALING ADOPTION TRAUMA – A Guest Post By Maureen Shepard CCH Adults may see adoption as a blessing, but for the children it is often a deep wound. When we see young children in our practices that have been adopted, those who are acting out, or are unusually [...]
Each year November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month, a month when adoption professionals, parents, and prospective parents can finalize adoptions, raise awareness, and educate each other. National Adoption Month (Also known as National Adoption Awareness Month) began in the as the first major effort to promote awareness of the need for adoptive families [...]
My focus this month is obtaining opportunities to speak about adoption. The follow release was sent to radio stations in California and Ohio. So far I have two interviews on Sacramento stations, and on National Adoption Awareness Day (Nov. 20), I’ll be speaking in Sacramento on the steps of the Capitol — a collaboration with [...]
Archive for October, 2010
Many years ago I read a book that defined fear as an acronym for False Expectations Appearing Real. That definition didn’t make my fears instantly go away, but it did give me a new perspective on people and situations that previously controlled my life. Over the years, my fears have fluctuated. As a child, I [...]
For several years I had a fairly consistent meditation practice, but lately, instead of spending the first fifteen minutes of my day following my breath, I’ve been rushing into the kitchen to make a strong cup of black tea and heading to the computer to “work” on marketing. This morning I realized that I’ve got [...]
Archive for September, 2010
It happened. Yesterday, I received my first letter from a fan (M.A.). Heartfelt, honest and sincere, the letter came from a woman who lives in Canada who was told that her birth mother was her sister and that her grandmother was her mother. When she accidentally learned the truth, she discovered that her cousins and [...]
One morning last week I was at the gym taking an aerobic dance class when Gloria, the woman standing behind me, tapped me on the shoulder to tell me that her very close friend was meeting her son, who was now in his forties, for the first time. Gloria’s friend was “freaking out,” to use [...]
Click here to read The Union Article.
The print is too small to read, but this is the flyer I’ve been passing around town to let people know about my upcoming book signing — a collaboration with Sierra Forever Families to be held at a local bookstore/coffee house. If you’re in the area and have been touched by adoption, or just want [...]
I’ve been spending time on twitter and the internet looking for adoption sites and blogs that match the target audience for my book and I came across, See Theo Run (Adventures in Open Adoption). I loved the message and the writing and ended up sending the writer a copy of my book. This morning, I [...]
As advised, my book is now available on Amazon–the best known bookstore on the internet–and so far eight reviews have been posted. This is all a good thing. In fact, the day after I posted the book, I got an order from someone who must have found it through a key word search. Amazon’s Search [...]
I woke up this morning at 4:00 a.m. and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Why? I was thinking about working and how blogging should be a big part of my job. Why? Because a blog can be an integral part of book marketing success. Why? Because search engines spider blogs more often than other websites. [...]
Archive for August, 2010
I hit the wall a couple of weeks ago when I realized that my to do list was overwhelming me. I’d read so many books on how to market your book that I was swimming in confusion. So I stopped doing anything for a week and asked “the universe” to assist me. Of course, I [...]
Here it is the fourth week in August and my plans to increase my blogging seem to have fallen by the wayside. I have a good reason for this–I’ve been learning about social networking and revising my marketing plan. I’m finally understanding the value of Twitter and am using it to make connections and build [...]
A couple of weeks ago, I gave the speech, “Keys to Success in Self Publishing” at an evening event for the Business & Professional Women of Nevada County. This morning, a picture of me (along with two members of the organization) taken at the event was in The Union, our local newspaper. A few [...]
Archive for July, 2010
Lori Holden at Open Adoption Examiner has posted a review (written by L.G. Mansfield) of Searching for Jane, Finding Myself. You can read it on her Open Adoption blog. Finding adoption sites that can help me spread the word about Searching for Jane, Finding Myself is my top priority. My friend and walking buddy, Lesley, [...]
Last night I spoke about self publishing to about thirty members of the Business and Professional Women of Nevada County, a very receptive group of smart, political women who seemed genuinely interested in my story. And I even sold some books! No surprise that several members told me they had either been adopted, had adopted [...]
The Sierra Forever Families donor luncheon was great. My talk went well and I was really impressed by the level of caring shared by adoptive parents, board members and staff. I’m so glad I’m partnering with this group. And, I even sold a few books! Tomorrow night I’m speaking a dinner meeting of the Business [...]
I mentioned awhile back that I would be working with Sierra Forever Families to get the word out about my book and their organization. As part of this joint venture, I’m going to be speaking at their upcoming Donor Luncheon this Friday. Twenty minutes has been allotted for me to tell my story. I thought [...]
The book signing party in Toledo was a huge success. Not only did I sell books but I had an opportunity to reconnect with friends I hadn’t seen in YEARS. Unfortunately, I didn’t take enough pictures, but here’s a representative sampling… Members of my family also came… What a great way to launch into publishing!
Archive for June, 2010–60-YEARS.html I’ve been busy getting ready for the trip to Toledo. In the meantime, this article was sent to me by a friend. It’s a sweet story.
So far I’ve shipped about 65 books and I’m starting to get some feedback…Here are just a few of the comments I’ve received so far about Searching For Jane, Finding Myself: Just finished your book! Oh my, what a story. Your inner journey was (and is) just amazing. I could not put it down. V.H. [...]
One thing I’ve realized about marketing–posting is critical. As long as I’m in town, I’m going to find something to post about more often. So far this week has been an exciting one. Tuesday, I sold the first copy of the book to someone I don’t know. It was a librarian in Connecticut. The book [...]
June 27th is the date for the book signing party in Toledo, Ohio. If you’re going to be in the area and want to attend, send me an e-mail and I’ll fill you in on the particulars. A reporter from the Toledo Blade will be there so I’m hoping there will be a nice [...]
Archive for May, 2010
I received the second batch of books a couple of days ago and will put all the pre-orders in the mail as soon as the post office opens today. Thank you everyone for your patience. Now that I have books, I’m definitely back in marketing mode–although I must say the car accident last month didn’t [...]
I received a phone call telling me that the second batch of books will ship this Friday. That they are going to check the bindings carefully before sending them off. I shouldn’t have to, but I’m keeping my finger’s crossed. I’m not going to get revved up and excited again until I have them in [...]
The printing company (who will not be named until all of this is settled) received the ten books I shipped and has agreed to reprint my books, but not until they receive the eight cartons they originally sent. They are being picked up this afternoon and then driven to the factory in Illinois. I have [...]
Some good news! I’m going to be partnering with Sierra Forever Families to get the word out about my book. Sierra Forever Families “are the Northern California specialists in providing permanency for children and youth in foster care including adoption, reunification, guardianship and lifetime commitment.” Yesterday, I had a brief meeting with their publicist and [...]
This morning I sat down to inscribe books so I could finally get them in the mail. Imagine my surprise when pages fell out of the first book I picked up. Assuming it was a fluke, I picked up the next book and the same thing happened. This is not good, I thought to myself, [...]
After checking out prices for bubble mailers at Walkers and Staples, I found the cost to be prohibitive so I looked online and found Royal Mailers in Emeryville. Their price per mailer is 1/4 that of the retail merchants. I placed the order Sunday night and the mailers will arrive this afternoon. If I can [...]
Yesterday was full of surprises. I got rear-ended and the books arrived–two weeks earlier than expected. I was on my way to the gym yesterday morning heading down Zion Street. A man and his son were waiting at the cross-walk (the crossing guard wasn’t there yet), so I stopped to let them cross the street. [...]
Archive for April, 2010
I just got an e-mail telling me that the books have shipped. Not sure when they will arrive, but they are en route. Last night I made my first formal “pitch” for the book during my “Ice Breaker” speech at Toastmasters. I had to give enough information to create interest, but not reveal so much [...]
I talked to the printer today and I will definitely have books by mid-May. This means I need to plan a book release party. I have a couple of ideas. One is to partner with a local non-profit adoption agency that helps place older kids. I would read from the book and afterward there could [...]
Here’s the release I’ll send to our local paper: (Thanks for your help, Elle) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April, 2010 Contact: Jan Fishler 530.277.9173 Local Writer Offers Firsthand Look at Adoption Nevada City, CA—Writer Jan Fishler knows what it’s like to live in a world permeated by loss, shaped by deception, and cloaked in shame. [...]
Today, I’m working on writing a press release, a short newsy piece that make the reader curious enough to write a review or buy the book. Although I’ve done this before for some of my clients, it’s different to be writing about my own book. Mostly, I’ve had to tell my memoir-writing self to step [...]
Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered books. I spoke to the printer today and it is possible that I’ll have books in my possession around Mother’s day. That means, you’ll have them shortly afterward. Of course, there’s more to sales than setting up a shopping cart. On my to-do list today was getting a [...]
I’m waiting for the final PDF of my book and then, it goes to the printers. It takes three weeks for the book to print and one week to ship and then I’ll have books in my hand. Over the weekend my sister, Bridget, who you can read about in Searching for Jane, Finding Myself, [...]
Getting ready to get the word out about Searching for Jane, Finding Myself is both exciting and exhilarating. Last night I had dreams about marketing the book. At the top of the list was getting this Web/blog started so that I can get the buzz going. Promotion is a full time job. Ironically, I’ve developed marketing [...]
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